Learn more about HUD conditions.
HUD conditions are used to show or hide HUD elements.
The conditions use their content provider’s user/content for their checks. You can learn more about content providers in this documentation.
Available Conditions #
The following conditions are available (other Makinom extensions can add their own conditions, e.g. ORK Framework).
Game State #
Check if game states are active or inactive.
This condition doesn’t use the content provider’s user/content for it’s check.
General Condition Template #
Check a general condition template with a defined user and target.
The conditions can depend on the content provider’s user/content.
HUD User #
Check if the content provider’s user/content being a defined content/thing.
Uses Tooltip type HUD checks, but doesn’t require a tooltip HUD.
Variable #
Check variable conditions.
Using Local variable origin will check variables of the content provider’s user/content. Object variable origin can use the user/content’s object variables.
UI Modules #
The actual use of HUD conditions depends on the used UI module.
Unity UI #
The Unity UI module uses the HUD Condition components to add HUD conditions.
The component will enable/disable the game object it’s attached to based on the conditions.