A list of all available nodes for schematics.
Learn more about schematics in this documentation. There are currently 474 schematic nodes available (excluding nodes from extensions, e.g. ORK Framework).
Animation #
Animation Template #
Plays or stops an animation template on a game object.
Animation/Fade #
Change UI Color #
Changes or fades the color of a UI box, HUD, flying text or anything implementing the ‘IColorFadeable’ interface stored in selected data.
Fading can either fade to a color, flash to a color and back, start blinking to a color and back or stop all fading.
Change UI Offset #
Changes or fades the animation offset of a UI box, HUD, flying text or anything implementing the ‘IUIAnimation’ interface stored in selected data.
Use this to e.g. move in a UI box from a side to it’s original position.
Shake UI Offset #
Shakes a UI box, HUD, flying text or anything implementing the ‘IUIAnimation’ interface stored in selected data.
Shaking uses the animation offset of the UI (same as ‘Change UI Offset’ node).
Change UI Scale #
Changes or fades the scale factor of a UI box, HUD, flying text or anything implementing the ‘IUIAnimation’ interface stored in selected data.
Fade Screen #
Fades the screen.
Set Screen Color #
Set’s the screen fade color, canceling all ongoing screen fades.
Change Color #
Changes or fades the color of renderers, lights or color fields/properties.
Fading can either fade to a color, flash to a color and back, start blinking to a color and back or stop all fading.
Animation/Legacy Animation #
Play Legacy Animation #
Plays or stops a legacy animation on a game object.
Rewind Animation #
Rewinds an animation clip or all animations of a game object.
Is Animation Playing #
Checks if a defined animation clip is playing.
If the animation clip is playing, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Animation Culling Type #
Changes the culling type of the animation component.
Animation Layer #
Changes the layer of an animation clip.
Animation Speed #
Changes the speed of an animation clip.
Animation Time #
Changes the time of an animation clip.
Animation Weight #
Changes the weight of an animation clip.
Animation Wrap Mode #
Changes the wrap mode of an animation clip or animation component.
Animation Blend Mode #
Changes the blend mode of an animation clip.
Add Mixing Transform #
Adds a transform that should be animated to an animation clip.
Remove Mixing Transform #
Removes a transform that shouldn’t be animated from an animation clip.
Store Animation Value #
Stores a value of an animation clip into a float variable.
Animation/Mecanim #
Play Mecanim Animation #
Changes parameters of a mecanim animator on a game object.
Animator Speed #
Changes the speed of the animator of a game object.
Animator Culling Mode #
Changes the culling mode of the animator of a game object.
Animator Update Mode #
Changes the update mode of the animator of a game object.
Animator Feet Pivot #
Changes the feet pivot of the animator of a game object.
Animator Weight #
Changes the a weight value of the animator of a game object.
Animator Set Vector3 #
Changes the position or rotation of the body or root of the animator of a game object.
Animator Get Vector3 #
Stores a Vector3 value of an animator into a Vector3 variable (e.g. the position of an IK goal).
Animator Rebind #
Rebinds all the animated properties and mesh data with the animator of a game object.
Animator Update #
Evaluates the animator of a game object based on delta time.
Animator Target #
Sets the target of the animator of a game object.
Get Bone Transform #
Uses a bone transform of an animator and uses it to change selected data.
Selected data can be used to store different data, e.g. a game object or a list of game objects.
Store Parameter #
Stores a parameter of an animator into a variable.
Change Animator Controller #
Change the animator controller used by a game object’s ‘Animator’ component.
Supports animator controllers and animator override controllers.
Apply Builtin Root Motion #
Apply an ‘Animator’ component’s built-in root motion.
Use this in schematics started by the ‘Animator Move’ start type of ‘Animation Machine’ components or the ‘State Move’ start type of ‘Animator State Machine’ components to use the default root motion.
Animation/Playable #
Change Director State #
Changes the state of ‘Playable Director’ components.
Plays, pauses, resumes or stops playback of a director.
Change Director Asset #
Changes the playable asset of ‘Playable Director’ components.
Is Director Playing #
Checks if ‘Playable Director’ components are playing.
If a director is playing, ‘Is Playing’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Not Playing’.
Change Director Time #
Changes the state of ‘Playable Director’ components.
Store Director Time #
Stores a time value of a ‘Playable Director’ component into a float variable.
Change Director Update Mode #
Changes the time update mode of ‘Playable Director’ components.
Change Director Wrap Mode #
Changes the wrap mode of ‘Playable Director’ components.
Audio #
Pause Audio Listeners #
Pauses or unpauses all audio listeners in the scene.
Uses ‘AudioListener.pause’ to pause/unpause audio listener components.
Audio/Audio #
Change Music Volume #
Changes the music volume – either sets or fades the volume.
This changes the overall music volume, not the volume of the playing clip.
Play Sound #
Plays a sound.
If no AudioSource component is added to the game object, a new one will be added automatically.
Play Sound At Point #
Plays a sound at a defined position.
This will create an audio source at the position and disposes of it afterwards.
Stop Sound #
Stops a sound.
Play Sound (Channel) #
Plays a sound on a sound channel.
Stop Sound (Channel) #
Stops a sound on a sound channel.
Please note that sounds played with ‘Play One Shot’ can’t be stopped.
Change Playback Position #
Changes the playback position of the currently playing music clip or an audio clip on a sound channel or game object’s audio source.
Audio Source Settings #
Changes the settings of a music channel’s, sound channel’s or game object’s audio source component.
Change Sound Volume #
Changes the sound volume – either sets or fades the volume.
Already playing audio clips will not be updated by this.
Change Global Volume #
Changes the global volume – either sets or fades the volume.
The global volume is used to scale both music and sound volume.
Already playing audio clips will not be updated by this.
Audio/Audio Filter #
Audio Chorus Filter #
Changes settings of an audio chorus filter component on a game object.
If the component isn’t added, a new component will be added (requires an audio source or audio listener attached to the game object).
Audio Distortion Filter #
Changes settings of an audio distortion filter component on a game object.
If the component isn’t added, a new component will be added (requires an audio source or audio listener attached to the game object).
Audio Echo Filter #
Changes settings of an audio echo filter component on a game object.
If the component isn’t added, a new component will be added (requires an audio source or audio listener attached to the game object).
Audio High Pass Filter #
Changes settings of an audio high pass filter component on a game object.
If the component isn’t added, a new component will be added (requires an audio source or audio listener attached to the game object).
Audio Low Pass Filter #
Changes settings of an audio low pass filter component on a game object.
If the component isn’t added, a new component will be added (requires an audio source or audio listener attached to the game object).
Audio Reverb Filter #
Changes settings of an audio reverb filter component on a game object.
If the component isn’t added, a new component will be added (requires an audio source or audio listener attached to the game object).
Audio/Audio Mixer #
Transition To Snapshots #
Transitions an audio mixer to a weighted mixture of snapshots.
The weight weill be ignored if only one snapshot is found/used.
Set Output Mixer Group #
Set the output audio mixer group of an audio mixer.
Set Audio Source Output #
Set the output of an audio source to a defined audio mixer group.
Set Music Channel Output #
Set the output of a music channel to a defined audio mixer group.
Audio Mixer Change Float #
Sets or resets the value of an exposed float parameter of an audio mixer.
If the parameter was set, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Audio Mixer Store Float #
Stores the value of an exposed float parameter of an audio mixer into a float variable.
If the parameter exists, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Audio/Music #
Change Music #
Plays or stops a music clip.
Store Music #
Stores a music channel’s currently playing music clip and its time position, or only store the time position of the music clip without storing the playing clip on the channel.
Is Music Playing #
Checks if a defined music channel or any channel is currently playing music or a defined music clip.
Base #
Layer Gate #
Connects two layers.
Empty #
This is an empty node.
This node being empty can be the result of a custom node script not being found (e.g. removed from the project).
This node will remember the data previously stored in it in case the script is added to the project again at a later time.
Wait #
Waits for a defined time.
Random #
Randomly executes a next node out of a list of defined nodes.
Comment #
Leave a comment in your schematic.
This node does nothing and is only for commentary purposes.
Chance #
Which node will be executed next is decided by chance.
The chance is checked against a random number between two values (default 0 and 100, you can change this in the game settings).
The next node of the first defined value range, that includes the chance, will be executed.
If no range contains the chance, ‘Failed’ will be executed.
Check Value #
A value (e.g. result of a formula) will be checked with a defined value.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed next, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Loop #
Increases an int variable by one until it reaches a defined maximum value.
Use this node to easily loop nodes for a number of times before continuing with the rest of the schematic.
If the loop finished (i.e. the int variable being max count or larger), ‘Finished’ will be executed next, otherwise ‘Loop’.
Function #
Send Message #
Uses Unity’s SendMessage or BroadcastMessage functionality to call a defined function (method) with a defined value in every component of a game object or any of it’s children (broadcast).
Call Function #
Uses reflection to call a function in a component.
Check Function #
Uses reflection to call a function in a component and check the return value.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Change Fields #
Uses reflection to change fields or properties of a component.
Check Fields #
Uses reflection to check the value of fields or properties of a component.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Change Time Scale #
Changes the time scale.
The time scale influences the speed of everything in the game – you can use this to create slow motion effects.
Call Plugin #
Calls the ‘Call’ function of a selected plugin.
If the plugin was called successfully, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Game Object/Camera #
Change Camera Position #
Sets or fades the camera position, rotation and field of view.
If all spawned instances of a prefab are used, the first prefab will be used to change the camera.
Stop Camera Position Fade #
Stops a currently fading camera position change.
Set Schematic Camera #
Sets the camera used by the schematic (‘Camera’ object selection).
Store Initial Camera Position #
Stores the camera’s current position, rotation and field of view as initial camera position of the schematic.
You can use the ‘Initial Camera Position’ to reset or fade the camera to the stored position.
Initial Camera Position #
Resets or fades the camera to the position, rotation and field of view it had when ‘Store Initial Camera Position’ was used in this schematic.
This node will unmount the camera from it’s parent object.
Shake Camera #
Shakes the camera.
Rotate Camera Around #
Rotates the camera around a game object.
Orthographic Camera #
Sets the camera to be orthographic or perspective.
Is Camera Orthographic #
If the camera is orthographic, ‘Orthographic’ is executed, otherwise ‘Perspective’.
Mount Camera #
Mounts or unmounts the camera to a game object.
Change Camera Options #
Change various settings on a camera, e.g. culling mask, depth, etc.
Camera Target Texture #
Set the ‘RenderTexture’ used as target for a camera – the camera will render into the defined texture.
You must select a ‘RenderTexture’ asset.
Select no texture to remove the target texture and render to the screen again.
Collision Camera #
Enable or disable the collision camera – can only be used when a ‘Collision Camera’ component is attached to the camera.
Game Object/Collider #
In Collider Bounds #
Checks if a collider’s bounds contain a game object’s position or a Vector3 value.
If the position/value is within a collider’s bounds, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Store Collider Bounds #
Stores a value of the collider’s bounds into a Vector3 variable.
Store Squared Distance #
Stores the smallest squared distance between a collider’s bounds and a position (Vector3) into a float variable.
Collider Expand #
Expands a collider’s bounds by increasing it’s size.
Changes bounds.size and doesn’t use the bounds.Expand function.
Collider Intersect Ray #
Checks if a collider’s bounds intersect a ray (line).
If the bounds intersect the line, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Collider Intersect Bounds #
Checks if a collider’s bounds intersect another collider’s bounds.
If the bounds intersect other bounds, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Collider Change Trigger #
Changes if a collider’s is a trigger or not.
Collider Check Trigger #
Checks if a collider is a trigger.
If the collider is a trigger, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Ignore Collision #
Enables or disables ignoring collision between two colliders.
If collisions are ignored, collision and trigger events won’t be received between the used colliders.
Please note that the ignore collision state isn’t persistant and can be lost, e.g. when deactivating the game object or collider, or adding a rigidbody component.
Ignore Layer Collision #
Enables or disables ignoring collision between colliders on two layers.
If collisions are ignored, collision and trigger events won’t be received between all affected colliders.
Check Ignore Layer Collision #
Checks if collisions between two layers are ignored.
If collisions are ignored, ‘Ignored’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Not Ignored’.
Game Object/Component #
Add Component #
Adds a defined component to a game object.
Remove Component #
Removes a defined component from a game object.
Enable Component #
Enables or disables a defined component from a game object.
Is Component Enabled #
Checks if a defined component of a game object is enabled.
If the component is enabled, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise (or if not found) ‘Failed’.
Emit Particles #
Start or stop emitting particles on a game object.
For particles to start/stop emitting, the game object requires a ‘ParticleSystem’ or ‘VisualEffect’ component.
Change Scene Object #
Changes the scene object used by a ‘Scene Object Component’.
Add Interaction Controller #
Adds the interaction controller prefab to a game object (if no ‘Interaction Controller’ component is found on it) and registers the game object’s interaction controllers with the system.
Please note that the interaction controllers will be gone when the game object is destroyed (e.g. changing scenes).
Remove Interaction Controller #
Disables all ‘Interaction Controller’ components on a game object an unregisters them from the system.
Please note that the interaction controllers will be gone when the game object is destroyed (e.g. changing scenes).
Add Player Components #
Adds the player components, control machines and control behaviours that are set up in ‘Base/Control > Game Controls’ to a game object.
Remove Player Components #
Removes the player components, control machines and control behaviours that are set up in ‘Base/Control > Game Controls’ from a game object.
Game Object/Constraint #
Activate Constraint #
Activates or deactivates defined constraint components.
Is Constraint Active #
Checks if defined constraint components are active.
If the component is active, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise (or if not found) ‘Failed’.
Lock Constraint #
Locks or unlocks defined constraint components.
Is Constraint Locked #
Checks if defined constraint components are locked.
If the component is locked, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise (or if not found) ‘Failed’.
Set Constraint Weight #
Sets the weight of defined constraint components.
Check Constraint Weight #
Checks the weight of defined constraint components.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise (or if not found) ‘Failed’.
Add Constraint Source #
Adds a transform source to defined constraint components.
Remove Constraint Source #
Removes a transform source from defined constraint components.
Game Object/Game Object #
Activate Object #
Sets a game object active (enabled) or inactive (disabled).
Is Object Active #
Checks if a game object is active (enabled) or inactive (disabled).
If the object is active, ‘Active’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Inactive’.
Mount Object #
Mounts or unmounts a game object to another game object.
This will set the parent of the game object’s transform.
Don’t Destroy On Load #
Marks an object to not be destroyed when loading a new scene.
Calls ‘DontDestroyOnLoad’ using a selected object.
Destroy Object #
Destroys a game object.
When destroying the machine’s game object, the machine might be stopped (due to it’s settings).
Please note that game objects are not destroyed immediately and will be destroyed by Unity at the end of the frame. Use the ‘Continue Next Frame’ option (or ‘Destroy After Time’) to continue with the schematic after the game object has been destroyed by Unity.
Object Exists #
Checks if a game object exists.
If the object exists, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Is Object #
Checks if 2 game objects are the same.
If the objects are the same, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Set Object Name #
Sets an object’s name or tag.
Check Object Name #
Checks an object’s name or tag.
If check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Set Object Layer #
Sets an object’s layer.
Check Object Layer #
Checks an object’s layer.
If check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Search Objects #
Searches for game objects in the scene and uses them to change selected data.
Selected data can be used to store different data, e.g. a game object or a list of game objects.
Create Empty Object #
Creates an empty game object.
Change Radius #
Changes the radius of a game object.
Adds a ‘Radius’ component if none is added yet.
The radius is e.g. used when using ‘Move To Interaction’ to determine the movement destination.
Check Object Hierarchy #
Checks if a game object has a parent or child object (or both).
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Object Visible #
Sets a game object visible or invisible.
This is done by setting every Renderer and Projector component of the game object (and all of it’s children) active or inactive.
Object Blink Visible #
Blinks a game object visible and invisible a defined amount of times.
This is done by setting every Renderer and Projector component of the game object (and all of it’s children) active or inactive.
Is Visible #
Checks if a game object’s renderer is visible by any camera.
If the object is visible, ‘Visible’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Not Visible’.
Game Object/Grid #
Create Grid #
Creates a game object grid.
Change Grid Size #
Changes the size of a grid and optionally destroys game objects of removed grid cells.
Remove Grid #
Removes a grid and optionally destroys all game objects of the grid cells.
Remove Grid Cell #
Removes the game objects of grid cells and optionally destroys them.
Grid Exists #
Checks if a game object grid exists for a defined key.
If the grid exists, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Fill Grid Cells #
Fills grid cells with prefab instances.
Set Grid Cell #
Assigns game objects to grid cells.
Swap Grid Cell #
Swaps game objects assigned to grid cells between 2 defined grids.
If the defined cells of one grid exceed the other in number, the smaller number of cells will be swapped.
You can also swap cells within the same grid by using the same grid twice.
Move Grid Cell #
Moves game objects of grid cells within the grid.
E.g. move game objects down by one index on the Y axis.
Can Move Grid Cell #
Checks if game objects of grid cells can be moved within the grid.
If the game objects can be moved, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Block Grid Cells #
Blocks or unblocks cells of a grid.
Blocked grid cells can’t be changed (e.g. set to a different game object).
Is Grid Cell Blocked #
Checks if a grid cell is blocked.
If the cell is blocked, ‘Blocked’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Not Blocked’.
Hide Grid Cells #
Hides or unhides cells of a grid.
Game objects of hidden grid cells are disabled.
Is Grid Cell Hidden #
Checks if a grid cell is hidden.
If the cell is hidden, ‘Hidden’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Not Hidden’.
Is Grid Cell Empty #
Checks if a grid cell is empty (i.e. no game object is assigned to the cell).
If the cell is empty, ‘Empty’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Not Empty’.
Is Grid Cell Object #
Checks if game objects are part of a grid.
If the game objects are part of the grid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Game Object/Light #
Change Light Float #
Changes or fades a float value of a light, e.g. intensity or spot angle.
Light Culling Mask #
Changes the culling mask of a light.
Change Light Mode #
Changes the mode of a light.
You can change the light type, lightmapping mode, render mode, shadow resolution and shadows.
Change Light Cookie #
Changes the cookie texture of a light.
Game Object/Prefab #
Spawn Prefab #
Spawns a prefab.
Destroy Prefab #
Destroy prefabs.
Clear Spawned Prefabs #
Removes references to spawned instances of a prefab.
The game object(s) will no longer be accessible through the ‘Spawned Prefab ID’.
Remove From Prefab Saver #
Remove a game object from being saved by prefab savers.
If the game object was spawned and added to a prefab saver, this’ll prevent the game object’s data from being saved when changing scenes or saving the game.
Clear Prefab Savers #
Remove stored data from prefab savers.
Game Object/Raycast #
Raycast #
Fires a raycast into the scene, optionally uses the hit object or stores hit values into variables.
If something was hit, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Shapecast #
Casts a shape into the scene, optionally uses the hit object or stores hit values into variables.
If something was hit, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Capsule and sphere shapes will use ‘Collider’ components. Box and circle shapes will use ‘Collider2D’.
Check Shape #
Checks if any colliders overlap a shape.
The overlapped game objects can also be used as the selected object, or change selected data (except when using a capsule shape).
If a collider overlaps the shape, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Capsule and sphere shapes use ‘Collider’ components. Area, circle and point shapes use ‘Collider2D’.
Game Object/Renderer #
Change Sorting Layer #
Changes a renderer’s sorting layer ID, name or order.
Change Material #
Changes a renderer’s material or indexed material.
Material Color #
Changes the color of a renderer’s material or indexed material.
If the renderer is a SpriteRenderer, the renderer’s color will be changed instead.
Material Texture #
Changes a texture of a renderer’s material or indexed material.
Material Texture Offset #
Changes a texture offset of a renderer’s material or indexed material.
Material Texture Scale #
Changes a texture scale of a renderer’s material or indexed material.
Material Texture Fork #
Checks the texture of a renderer’s material.
If a texture matches, it’s next node will be executed.
If no texture matches, ‘Failed’ will be executed.
Change Sprite #
Changes a SpriteRenderer’s sprite.
Change Line Renderer Positions #
Sets the positions of a ‘Line Renderer’ component using a Vector 3 variable list.
Game Object/Rigidbody #
Rigidbody Move Position #
Moves a rigidbody to a position using Rigidbody.MovePosition.
Rigidbody Move Rotation #
Rotates a rigidbody using Rigidbody.MoveRotation.
Rigidbody Add Force #
Adds a force to a rigidbody.
Rigidbody Add Torque #
Adds a torque to a rigidbody.
Rigidbody Position Force #
Adds a force at a position and applies force and torque to a rigidbody.
Rigidbody Explosion Force #
Adds exposion force to a rigidbody.
Rigidbody Stop #
Stops adding continued forces or torques to a rigidbody.
Rigidbody Kinematic #
Enables or disables the ‘Is Kinematic’ setting of a ‘Rigidbody’ (or ‘Rigidbody2D’).
Rigidbody Change Velocity #
Changes the velocity of a ‘Rigidbody’ (or ‘Rigidbody2D’).
Rigidbody Store Velocity #
Stores the velocity of a ‘Rigidbody’ (or ‘Rigidbody2D’) into a Vector3 variable.
If no rigidbody is found, stores a zero Vector (0, 0, 0) into the variable.
Rigidbody Constraints #
Changes the contraints of a ‘Rigidbody’ (or ‘Rigidbody2D’).
Rigidbody2D Body Type #
Changes the physical behaviour type (body type) of a ‘Rigidbody2D’.
Game Object/Selected Object #
Remove Selected Object #
Removes the currently selected object (i.e. unselects it).
Set Selected Object #
Selects a game object.
If the game object doesn’t have a ‘Selectable Object’ component attached, it will be attached automatically.
Select Nearest Object #
Selects the nearest selectable game object.
Objects with a ‘Selectable Object’ component attached are selectable.
Select Left Object #
Selects the next selectable game object to the left of another game object.
Objects with a ‘Selectable Object’ component attached are selectable.
Select Right Object #
Selects the next selectable game object to the right of another game object.
Objects with a ‘Selectable Object’ component attached are selectable.
Is Selected Object #
Checks if a game object is the currently selected object or if any game object is currently selected.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’
Game Object/Terrain #
Is Terrain #
Checks if a game object is a terrain.
If the check is valid, ‘Terrain’ will be executed next, otherwise ‘No Terrain’.
Is In Terrain Space #
Checks if a position is within a terrain’s space.
The position can be defined in world space, terrain space, alpha map and height map position.
A position is within a terrain’s space if all axes are between 0 and 1 (converted to terrain space).
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed next, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Transform Terrain Space #
Transforms a position to or from terrain space and stores the result into a Vector3 variable.
The position can be defined and transformed to world space, terrain space, alpha map or height map position.
Change Terrain Height #
Change the height of a terrain at a defined position.
Change Terrain Alpha Map #
Change the alpha value of a defined texture index of a terrain at a defined position.
Terrain Texture Fork #
Checks the main texture at a position on a terrain.
You must select a ‘Texture2D’ asset.
If a texture matches, it’s next node will be executed.
If no texture matches, ‘Failed’ will be executed.
Game/Application #
Quit Application #
Quits the player application using ‘Application.Quit’.
Warning: The game ends after this node.
Cancel Quit Application #
Cancels quitting the player application by registering a method that returns false to ‘Application.wantsToQuit’.
It might already be too late to do this during the quitting process, try to use this node before that.
Capture Screenshot #
Captures a screenshot as a PNG file.
Open URL #
Opens an url in a browser.
Garbage Collection #
Explicitly requests a garbage collection, calling System.GC.Collect().
Change Target Frame Rate #
Changes the target frame rate of the application.
Sets ‘Application.targetFramerate’ to do that.
Check Target Frame Rate #
Checks the target frame rate of the application with a defined value.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed next, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Game/Game #
Start Game #
Clears previous game data and starts the game, i.e. sets the game to ‘Running’.
Pause Game #
Pauses or unpauses the game.
Stop Game #
Clears previous game data and stops the game, i.e. sets the game to ‘Not Running’.
Optionally shows the exit game question.
Is Game Running #
Checks if the game is running.
If the game is running, ‘Success’ is executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Set Game Time #
Set the game’s running time.
Check Game Time #
Set the game’s running time.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ is executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Change Game State #
Activates or inactivates a game state.
Check Game State #
Checks if game states are active or inactive.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Change Language #
Changes the game’s language.
Check Language #
Checks the game’s language.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Unload Unused Assets #
Unloads assets that are not used.
Game/Player #
Spawn Player #
Spawns the player.
Destroy Player #
Destroys the player’s game object.
Set Player #
Sets a game object to be the new player.
Is Player #
Checks if a selected game object is the player.
If the game object is the player, ‘Success’ is executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Register Other Player #
Registers or unregisters a game object as an other player.
Other players are able to start trigger/collision interactions that can otherwise only be started by the main player.
Game/Save Game #
Save Game Menu #
Calls the save, load or save point menu.
The schematic continues after the menu is closed, unless a save game has been loaded.
Auto Save #
Saves the game to the AUTO save slot or creates a temporary retry save game.
Auto Save Slot Dialogue #
Displays a dialogue to select the auto save slot.
Auto Load #
Loads the game from the AUTO save game file or a temporary retry save game.
The schematic ends after this step.
Save Game Exists #
Checks if a defined save game exists.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Can Continue #
Checks if the continue save game is available.
The continue save game is either the retry save game or the last saved game.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Continue #
Loads the continue save game.
The continue save game is either the retry save game or the last saved game.
The schematic will end if the continue save game has been loaded, otherwise, the schematic will continue with the ‘Next’ slot.
Delete Auto Save #
Deletes the AUTO save slot’s save game or the temporary retry save game.
Delete Save Game #
Deletes a defined save game or AUTO save game.
Check Auto Save Slot #
Checks the currently used auto save slot’s index/number.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Game/Scene #
Load Scene #
Changes the scene and spawns the player, like using a ‘Scene Changer’ component.
The scene needs to be added to the build settings of your project (read the Unity documentation for details).
Can Load Scene #
Checks if a streamed level can be loaded.
If the level can be loaded, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Store Scene #
Stores the current scene and player position/rotation.
The stored scene can be used in load scene nodes.
Is Scene Stored #
Checks if a scene is currently stored.
If a scene is stored, ‘Success’ is executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Set Scene Position #
Set the default player position/rotation in a scene.
The scene positions can be used in load scene nodes and scene changers.
Is Scene Position Stored #
Checks if a scene position for a scene is currently stored.
If a scene is stored, ‘Success’ is executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Check Scene #
Checks the current scene’s name or index.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ is executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Unload Scene #
Unloads all game objects associated with a defined scene name.
Use Scene Changer #
Starts a scene changer on game object.
Clear Game Object Savers #
Remove stored data from ‘Game Object Saver’ components.
Input #
Input Key #
Checks one or more input keys.
If an input key is pressed, it’s next node will be executed.
If no input key is pressed, ‘Failed: No Input’ will be executed.
Wait For Input #
Waits for an input key (out of multiple keys) to be pressed, either for a set amount of time, or until the key has been pressed.
The next node of the input key that’s pressed first will be executed.
If waiting for time and no key was pressed in time, ‘Failed: No Input’ will be executed.
Block Input Key #
Blocks or unblocks an input key.
A blocked input key won’t receive any input.
Is Input Key Blocked #
Checks if an input key is blocked.
If the input key is blocked, ‘Success’ is executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Set Input Key #
Set the axis of an input key.
Reset Input Axes #
Resets all input or only of a defined input key.
All axes and buttons return to 0 (i.e. no input) for one frame.
Mouse Touch Delta #
Stores mouse or touch movement delta into a Vector3 variable.
Mouse Touch Position #
Stores the mouse or touch position into a Vector3 variable.
The position will be calculated in the ‘Default Screen Size’, i.e.:
Upper left corner: X=0, Y=0
Upper right corner: X=default screen width, Y=0
Lower left corner: X=0, Y=default screen height
Lower right corner: X=default screen width, Y=default screen height
Gyroscope Enable #
Enables or disables the gyroscope of the device.
Gyroscope Interval #
Changes the gyroscope’s update interval of the device.
Block Player Control #
Blocks or unblocks the player control.
For each block, the block counter will increase by 1, for each unblock, the counter will decrease by 1.
As long as the counter is above 0 the player control will remain blocked.
Block Camera Control #
Blocks or unblocks the camera control.
For each block, the block counter will increase by 1, for each unblock, the counter will decrease by 1.
As long as the counter is above 0 the camera control will remain blocked.
Control Component #
Adds or removes a defined component to or from the player or camera control list.
While added, the component will be enabled/disabled with the controls.
A component can only be added once to the player or camera control list.
Change Cursor State #
Changes the lock state of the cursor.
Check Cursor State #
Checks the lock state of the cursor.
If the cursor is in the selected state, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Change Cursor Visible #
Changes the visible state of the cursor.
Is Cursor Visible #
Checks the visible state of the cursor.
If the cursor is visible, ‘Visible’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Hidden’.
Change Cursor Texture #
Changes the texture of the cursor.
Change Input ID #
Changes the global input ID or the schematic’s input ID.
Use this to e.g. switch to a different control style.
Check Input ID #
Checks the global input ID or the schematic’s input ID.
If the check is true, ‘Success’ will be executed next, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Directional Joystick Input #
Stores horizontal and vertical values (e.g. input key axes) transformed by the direction of a game object (e.g. a camera) into a Vector3 variable.
E.g. use this for joystick input based on the camera direction.
Restore Control #
Restores game control and removes all control blocks.
Machine #
Restart Schematic #
Restarts the schematic from the first node in the next update tick.
Is Schematic Stopped #
Checks if the schematic has been stopped, e.g. due to the machine object being destroyed.
If the schematic has been stopped, ‘Stopped’ is executed, otherwise ‘Running’.
Check Start Conditions #
Checks the start conditions (e.g. game state conditions, variable conditions) of the machine that started the schematic.
If the schematic wasn’t started by a machine, the check will be valid.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ is executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Find Actor Objects #
Searches for actor game objects again.
Only actors that have ‘Find Object’ enabled will be searched again.
Start Machine #
Starts a machine with a defined schematic and uses game objects of this schematic as machine object and starting object.
The machine will be executed for each combination of machine object and starting object. E.g. 1 machine object and 3 starting objects result in 3 started machines.
Optionally, the machine can start without any machine/starting objects.
Start Tagged Machine #
Starts ‘Tagged Machine’ components added to a game object.
All tagged machines with valid variable conditions that match the defined tags will be started.
This schematic will continue while the tagged machines are executed.
Start Global Machine #
Calls a global machine.
The event will continue after the global machine has finished.
If the global machine can’t be executed (e.g. event file not found), the next node will be executed immediately.
Stop Global Machine #
Stops a global machine.
The global machine is only stopped if it’s currently running and not using the ‘Multi’ execution type.
Add Machine Component #
Adds a machine component to a game object.
Remove Machine Component #
Removes a machine component from a game object.
Has Tagged Machine #
Checks if a game object has a tagged machine with defined tags.
If the game object has the defined tagged machine, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Stop Machine #
Stops running machines/schematics that use a defined schematic asset and machine object.
Stop Machine Component #
Stops machine components on a game object.
Stop Tagged Machine #
Stops ‘Tagged Machine’ components added to a game object.
All tagged machines matching the defined tags will be stopped.
Search Tagged Machines #
Searches for game objects with ‘Tagged Machine’ components (using defined tags) in the scene and uses them to change selected data.
Selected data can be used to store different data, e.g. a game object or a list of game objects.
Machine/Machine Stack #
Start Machine Stack #
Starts a machine stack.
The machine stack will execute the machines on the stack in the order they’re added.
Stop Machine Stack #
Stops a machine stack (i.e. no further machine will start).
The stack’s currently running machine can optionally be stopped.
If another schematic is waiting for the stack to finish, it’ll be notified after the stack’s running machine finished.
Remove Machine Stack #
Removes a machine stack.
If the stack is currently executing, the stack will be stopped, also stopping the currently running machine.
If another schematic is waiting for the stack to finish, it’ll be notified after the stack’s running machine finished.
Clear Machine Stack #
Removes all machines added to a machine stack.
An already running machine will not be stopped by this.
Reverse Machine Stack #
Reverse the order of machines in a machine stack.
Shuffle Machine Stack #
Randomly sorts the machines in a machine stack.
Add Machine To Stack #
Adds a machine to a machine stack.
Remove From Stack #
Removes a machine from a machine stack.
The machine is identified through it’s index on the machine stack.
Remove Schematic From Stack #
Removes a machine from a machine stack.
The machine is identified through the used schematic asset, i.e. the machine(s) using the defined schematic asset will be removed from the stack.
Remove Object From Stack #
Removes a machine from a machine stack.
The machine is identified through the machine object or starting object, i.e. the machine(s) using the defined game object will be removed from the stack.
Is Machine Stack Running #
Checks if a machine stack is currently running.
If the machine stack is running, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Machine Stack Exists #
Checks if a machine stack exists.
If the machine stack exists, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Machine Stack Count #
Checks the number of machines in a machine stack.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Stack Contains Schematic #
Checks if a schematic asset is used in a machine stack.
If the machine stack contains the schematic, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Stack Contains Object #
Checks if a game object is used as machine/starting object in a machine stack.
If the machine stack contains the game object, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Movement/Movement #
Move #
Moves a game object – use this node for ‘Update’ type machines/schematics.
This node will only move the game object a tiny distance and needs to be called repeatedly, e.g. in a ‘Tick’ machine.
Change Position #
Sets or moves a game object to a new position.
Move Into Direction #
Moves a game object into a defined direction.
Curve Move #
Moves a game object using curves.
The curve values are added to the game object’s original position at the start of the node.
Only the axes that are enabled will be influenced by the curve move.
Stop Movement #
Stops movement from ‘Change Position’, ‘Move Into Direction’ and ‘Curve Move’ nodes.
Change Scale #
Sets or fades the scale of a game object.
Check Distance #
The distance between two objects is checked against a value.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ is executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Check Height Differences #
Checks if a game object is above or below another game object.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ is executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Check Transform #
An object’s position, rotation or scale is checked against a value.
Each axis (X, Y, Z) can be checked individually.
Can also use the change since the last frame as value.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ is executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Change Gravity #
Changes Physics.gravity or Physics2D.gravity.
The gravity influences all game objects with a ‘Rigidbody’ or ‘Rigidbody2D’ component.
Check Speed #
The horizontal or vertical movement speed of an object is checked against a value.
Uses ‘Object Changes’ components on the game object (added in ‘Auto’ mode if not already available) to get the current speed.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ is executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Store Speed #
Store the horizontal or vertical movement speed of an object into a float variable.
Uses ‘Object Changes’ components on the game object (added in ‘Auto’ mode if not already available) to get the current speed.
Check On Ground #
Checks if a game object is on the ground – uses either a ‘CharacterController’ component or a raycast.
If the check is valid, ‘On Ground’ is executed, otherwise ‘In Air’.
Smooth Follow #
Moves a game object to follow another game object.
Use this node for ‘Update’ type machines/schematics.
This node will only move the game object a tiny distance and needs to be called repeatedly, e.g. in a ‘Tick’ machine.
Clamp Transform #
Clamps the axes of a game object’s position, rotation, scale, veloctiy or a direction (e.g. up, left, etc.) between two values.
Shake Object #
Shakes a game object.
Store Predicted Position #
Store the future position of a position (e.g. from a game object) based on a defined velocity into a Vector3 variable.
Change Last Move Direction #
Changes the last move direction value of ‘Object Changes’ components.
This value can e.g. be used to determine the direction in 2D environments.
Please note that the last move direction will automatically be updated by the component the next time the game object moves.
Movement/NavMesh #
NavMesh Destination #
Sets the destination of a NavMesh agent or stop the agent.
NavMesh Value #
Changes an int or float value of a NavMesh agent.
E.g. speed, angular speed, acceleration, etc.
NavMesh Enable Agent #
Enables or disables NavMesh agents.
NavMesh Stop Agent #
Stops NavMesh agents.
NavMesh Set Path #
Sets the path to a target position of a NavMesh agent.
Obstacle Avoidance #
Changes the obstacle avoidance type of a NavMesh agents.
NavMesh Path Status #
Checks the status of the current path of a NavMesh agents.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Activate OffMeshLink #
Activates or deactivates the current OffMeshLink of a NavMesh agent.
Complete OffMeshLink #
Completes the current OffMeshLink of a NavMesh agent.
Is On OffMeshLink #
Checks if a NavMesh agent is currently positioned on an OffMeshLink.
If the agent is on an OffMeshLink, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Is On NavMesh #
Checks if a NavMesh agent is currently bound to a NavMesh.
If the agent is bound to a NavMesh, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
NavMesh Reset Path #
Resets the path of a NavMesh agent.
NavMesh Resume #
Resumes movement along the current path of a NavMesh agent.
NavMesh Warp #
Warps a NavMesh agent to the defined position.
If it was successful, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Store Closest Edge #
Stores the closest NavhMesh edge into a Vector3 variable.
If an edge was found, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Store Nav Raycast #
Casts a NavMesh raycast between an agent and a target position and stores the hit obstacle position into a Vector3 variable.
If an obstacle was found, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Store Area Cost #
Stores the cost for path calculation when crossing area of a particular type into a float variable.
NavMesh Area Cost #
Changes the cost for traversing over areas of a particular type for a NavMesh agent.
NavMesh Remaining Distance #
Checks the remaining distance to the destination of a NavMesh agent.
If the check was valid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Store Sample Position #
Stores the closest position on a NavMesh within a defined range of a source position into a Vector3 variable.
If a point was found, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Store NavMesh Path #
Stores the current path (corners) of a NavMesh agent into a Vector 3 variable list.
Movement/Rotation #
Rotate #
Rotates a game object – use this node for ‘Update’ type machines/schematics.
This node will only move the game object a tiny distance and needs to be called repeatedly, e.g. in a ‘Tick’ machine.
Rotate Around #
Rotates a game object around a position or another object – use this node for ‘Update’ type machines/schematics.
This node will only move the game object a tiny distance and needs to be called repeatedly, e.g. in a ‘Tick’ machine.
Change Rotation #
Sets or fades the rotation of a game object.
Rotate To #
Rotates a game object toward a position, a game object or the mouse position.
Curve Rotation #
Rotates a game object using curves.
The curve values are added to the game object’s original rotation at the start of the node.
Check Angle #
The angle between two objects is checked against a value.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ is executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Store Angle #
Stores the angle between two objects into a float variable.
Store Position Angle #
Stores the angle from a game object to a position into a float variable.
Check Orientation #
Checks the orientation from objects to other objects (e.g. if an object is in front of another object).
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ is executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Orientation Fork #
Checks the orientation from objects to other objects (e.g. if an object is in front of another object).
The next slot of the according orientation will be executed next, e.g. if an object is in front of another object, the ‘Front’ slot will be executed next.
If no orientation can be determined (e.g. one or both objects are not found), the ‘None’ slot will be executed next.
Movement/Waypoint Path #
Follow Path #
Makes a game object follow the path of a ‘Waypoint Path’ component.
Pause Path #
Pauses or resumes a game object following the path of a ‘Waypoint Path’ component.
Reverse Path Move #
Reverses a game object’s move direction while following the path of a ‘Waypoint Path’ component.
E.g.: If the game object currently moves from lowest to highest path point index, it will reverse direction and move from highest to lowest path point index.
Store Nearest Path Point #
Stores the nearest position of a path to a selected game object into a Vector3 variable.
Networking/Web Request #
WebRequest Call #
Does a UnityWebRequest call with a defined URL.
If the call is a success, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Store WebRequest Text #
Stores the result of a UnityWebRequest call into a string variable.
If the call is a success, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Store WebRequest Texture #
Stores a texture downloaded by a UnityWebRequest call into a defined texture of the schematic.
If the call is a success, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
UI #
Is UI Box Focused #
Checks if a UI box stored in selected data is focused.
If the UI box is focused, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise (or if no UI box found) ‘Failed’.
UI/Dialogue #
Close All Dialogues #
Closes all dialogues opened by this schematic.
Only dialogues from ‘Show Dialogue’ nodes are closed.
Show Dialogue #
Displays a dialogue or choice dialogue.
The schematic continues when the dialogue or choice is accepted with the accept key.
Choices are selected with the horizontal and vertical key or with a click/touch.
Choice dialogues can have as many choices as you like, every choice has it’s own next node setting which will execute the next node based on the selected choice.
If you select ‘Choice’, the ‘Next’ setting is only used if no choices are available.
Value Option Dialogue #
Displays a dialogue to change game options or input values and store them in variables.
The schematic continues when the dialogue is accepted or canceled.
Language Dialogue #
Displays a language selection dialogue and changes the game’s language to the selected language.
The schematic continues when the dialogue is accepted with the accept key (or canceled).
Show Flying Text #
Displays a flying text notification at the position of an object.
Block Flying Texts #
Blocks or unblocks new flying texts from being displayed.
Are Flying Texts Blocked #
Checks if flying texts are blocked.
If flying texts are blocked, ‘Blocked’ will be executed next, otherwise ‘Unblocked’.
Unity Console #
Prints a text to the Unity console using ‘Debug.Log()’.
Pause Notifications #
Pauses or resumes displaying notifications.
Paused notifications will not be displayed and their visible time doesn’t progress.
Block Notifications #
Blocks or unblocks adding new notifications.
Are Notifications Blocked #
Checks if adding new notifications is blocked.
If notifications are blocked, ‘Blocked’ will be executed next, otherwise ‘Unblocked’.
Hide Autoclose Dialogues #
Hides or shows (new) ‘Autoclose’ type dialogues.
Please note that this only hides the UI box of these dialogues, their wait time (or accepting them) is still used.
Are Autoclose Dialogues Hidden #
Checks if ‘Autoclose’ type dialogues are hidden.
If they are hidden, ‘Hidden’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Shown’.
Call HUD #
Calls (shows) or closes a HUD.
A HUD can only be opened once at a time.
If an already shown HUD is called, it’s users will be updated according to this node’s settings (if the HUD supports users).
Is HUD User #
Checks if a game object is used as a HUD’s user.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’is executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Toggle HUD #
Toggles a list of defined HUDs on or off.
If a HUD is toggled off, it won’t be displayed.
A HUD can also be toggled using input keys, if set up in the HUD’s settings.
Block HUD #
Blocks or unblocks a HUD.
A blocked HUD won’t be displayed.
Navigation Marker #
Adds or removes a navigation marker.
Navigation markers are displayed by navigation HUDs.
UI/Image #
Show Image #
Shows an image on the screen.
Images are displayed on a UI layer before the UI boxes of the layer.
You can access images later by referring to their ID – you can even access images created by other schematics.
Change Image Bounds #
Changes the position and size of an image.
Images are displayed on a UI layer before the UI boxes of the layer.
You can access images later by referring to their ID – you can even access images created by other schematics.
Change Image Color #
Changes the color of an image.
Images are displayed on a UI layer before the UI boxes of the layer.
You can access images later by referring to their ID – you can even access images created by other schematics.
Remove Image #
Removes an image from the screen.
Images are displayed on a UI layer before the UI boxes of the layer.
You can access images later by referring to their ID – you can even access images created by other schematics.
UI/UI Components #
Spawn UI Prefab #
Spawns a prefab on a selected UI layer’s canvas.
UI Rect Transform #
Changes settings of a ‘Rect Transform’ component.
UI Text #
Changes settings of a ‘Text’ component.
UI Raw Image #
Changes settings of a ‘Raw Image’ component.
UI Image #
Changes settings of an ‘Image’ component.
UI Slider #
Changes settings of a ‘Slider’ component.
UI Scrollbar #
Changes settings of a ‘Scrollbar’ component.
UI Toggle #
Changes settings of a ‘Toggle’ component.
UI Input Field #
Changes settings of an ‘Input Field’ component.
Store UI Input Field #
Stores the text value of an ‘Input Field’ component into a string variable.
Store UI Toggle #
Stores the toggle value of a ‘Toggle’ component into a bool variable.
Store UI Slider #
Stores the value of a ‘Slider’ component into a float variable.
Store UI Scrollbar #
Stores the value of a ‘Scrollbar’ component into a float variable.
Store UI Anchored Position #
Stores the anchored position (3D) of a ‘Rect Transform’ component into a Vector3 variable.
Store UI Size Delta #
Stores the size delta of a ‘Rect Transform’ component into a Vector3 variable.
Value/Date and Time #
Change Date and Time #
Changes a date/time value (string) using a float value to change a defined part of the time (e.g. seconds, minutes or hours).
E.g. add 5 hours to a date/time value.
Check Date and Time #
A date/time string will be checked with a defined date/time string.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed next, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Date and Time to Float #
Stores a date/time value (string) as a float variable.
Either store the whole value in seconds or only parts of it (e.g. seconds, hours or years).
Date and Time Difference #
Stores the difference between 2 date/time values (string) in seconds as a float variable.
Value/Float #
Float Random #
Stores a random number between two defined numbers into a float or int variable.
Float Atan2 #
Store the angle in radians whose Tan is Y/X into a float variable.
Float Clamp #
Clamps a float value between a minimum and maximum and stores it into a float variable.
Float Delta Angle #
Calculates the shortest difference between two angles and stores it into a float variable.
Float Inverse Lerp #
Calculates the Lerp parameter between two values and stores it into a float variable.
Float Lerp #
Interpolates between two values and stores it into a float variable.
Float Move Towards #
Moves a value current toward target and stores it into a float variable.
Float Perlin Noise #
Generates 2D perlin noise and stores it into a float variable.
Float Ping Pong #
PingPongs or loops (repeats) a value, so that it is never larger than length and never smaller than 0, and stores it into a float variable.
Float Smooth Damp #
Gradually changes a float value towards a desired goal over time and stores it into a float variable.
Float Smooth Step #
Interpolates between two values with smoothing at the limits and stores it into a float variable.
Float To Angle #
Changes a float value into an angle (i.e. between 0 and 360) and stores it into a float variable.
E.g. -90 will become 270, 480 will become 120.
Float is Power of 2 #
Checks if an int value is power of two.
If check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Value/PlayerPrefs #
Set String PlayerPrefs #
Sets a string value to a PlayerPrefs variable.
Set Int PlayerPrefs #
Sets an integer value to a PlayerPrefs variable.
Set Float PlayerPrefs #
Sets a float value to a PlayerPrefs variable.
Remove PlayerPrefs #
Removes a PlayerPrefs variable.
Has PlayerPrefs #
Checks if a PlayerPrefs variable exists.
If the check is true, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Value/Selected Data #
Select HUD Content Provider #
Use the content/user of a HUD content provider component attached to a game object to change selected data.
Select UI Input Context #
Use the schematic context of a UI input component attached to a game object to change selected data.
E.g. get the schematic context added to a choice button.
Select UI Base Component #
Use the ‘UI Box’ or ‘HUD’ component (or anything implementing ‘IUIBase’) attached to a game object to change selected data.
Clear Selected Data #
Clears/removes selected data.
Either removes all data of a defined data key, or removes all data.
Selected Data Count #
Checks how many data is stored in a selected data list.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Selected Data Contains #
Checks if data stored in a selected data list contains something stored in another selected data list.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Select Selected Data #
Uses the first, last, a random or all content from another selected data as selected data.
E.g. select a random content from a list of data.
If something was stored, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise (i.e. nothing left to store) ‘Failed’.
Select Variable Handlers #
Uses variable handlers to change selected data.
A variable handler stores all variables of an origin, e.g. the global variables or object variables of a game object.
Select Components #
Uses components to change selected data.
Select Game Objects #
Uses game objects to change selected data.
Select Nearest Game Object #
Use the nearest game object to change selected data.
Filter Selected Game Objects #
Filters game objects stored in selected data and only keeps game objects matching the defined conditions.
Other data (e.g. components or variable handlers) will be removed.
Selected Game Objects Count #
Checks how many game objects are stored in selected data.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Selected Game Objects Contain #
Checks if a game object is stored in selected data.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Value/Text File #
Text File Exists #
Checks if a text file exists.
If the file exists, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Delete Text File #
Deletes a defined text file.
Read Text File #
Reads a text file and stores it into string variables.
Read Text File Lines #
Reads a text file and adds each line to a string variable list.
Write Text File #
Writes into a text file.
Write Text File Lines #
Writes a string variable list’s values into a text file (each value being a line).
Load CSV File #
Loads a CSV file’s data for later use as bool, float and string values.
Clear CSV File #
Removes a CSV file’s loaded data or all CSV data.
Value/Timer #
Start Timer #
Starts a timer on a float variable.
A timer will count the used float variable up or down using the delta time each tick.
Stop Timer #
Stops a timer on a float variable.
Is Timer Running #
Checks if a timer on a float variable is running.
If the timer is running, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Pause Timer #
Pauses or unpauses a timer on a float variable.
Is Timer Paused #
Checks if a timer on a float variable is paused.
If the timer is paused, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Value/Variable #
Store Function Result #
Stores the return value of a function into a variable.
Supports string, bool, int/float and Vector2/Vector3 return values.
If a variable is changed, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Store Field #
Stores the value of a field or property into a variable.
Supports string, bool, int/float and Vector2/Vector3 values.
If a variable is changed, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Change Variables #
Changes variables.
Check Variables #
Checks if variables have certain values.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Variable Fork #
Checks a single variable for certain values.
If a variable condition is valid, it’s next node will be executed.
If no variable condition is valid, ‘Failed’ will be executed.
Clear Variables #
Removes all variables and variable lists.
Variable Transfer #
Transfers all variables and variable lists from one origin to another (local, global and object).
Variable Exists #
Checks if a variable exists (i.e it has been set).
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Sort Variable List #
Sorts a variable list.
Copy Variable List #
Stores all values of a variable list in another variable list.
Variable List Contains #
Checks if a variable list contains a defined value.
If the variable list contains the value, ‘Success’ will be executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.
Save Variables #
Saves the data from a defined variable source into a file, global variable or PlayerPrefs variable (string).
The data is stored as an XML-formatted string.
Load Variables #
Loads the data stored in a file, global variable or PlayerPrefs variable (string) into a defined variable source.
The data is loaded from an XML-formatted string.
Please note that loading variables into a source will remove all current variables from the source.
Change Number Object Variables #
Changes an int or float variable on all currently registered object variables.
Only changes object variables using an ‘Object ID’, local object variables will not be changed.
Value/Vector #
Vector3 Random #
Stores a Vector3 with random X, Y and Z axes into a variable.
Vector3 Transform Value #
Transforms a Vector3 value between local and world space of a game object and stores the result into a variable.
Vector3 Angle #
Store the angle in degree between two Vector3 into a float variable.
Vector3 Direction #
Store the direction from one Vector3 (position) to another into a Vector3 variable.
Vector3 Magnitude #
Store the magnitude (length) or square magnitude (squared length) of a Vector3 into a float variable.
Vector3 Clamp #
Store a Vector3 with it’s axes clamped between two values into a variable.
Vector3 Clamp Magnitude #
Store a Vector3 with it’s magnitude clamped to a max length into a variable.
Vector3 Lerp #
Store the linear or spherical interpolation between two Vector3 into a variable.
Vector3 Move Towards #
Moves the Vector3 current in a straight line towards a target and stores it into a variable.
Vector3 Rotate Towards #
Rotates the Vector3 current towards a target and stores it into a variable.
Vector3 Ortho Normalize #
Makes two or three Vector3 variables normalized and orthogonal to each other.
Vector3 Multiply #
Multiplies a Vector3 with a float and stores it into a variable.
Vector3 Divide #
Divides a Vector3 by a float and stores it into a variable.
Vector3 Rotate #
Rotates a Vector3 and stores it into a variable.
Vector3 Smooth Damp #
Gradually changes a Vector3 value towards a desired goal over time and stores it into a variable.
Vector3 To Angle #
Changes all axes of a Vector3 value into a angles (i.e. between 0 and 360) and stores it into a Vector3 variable.
E.g. -90 will become 270, 480 will become 120.
Vector3 Check Distance #
The distance between two Vector3 values is checked against a value.
If the check is valid, ‘Success’ is executed, otherwise ‘Failed’.