A quick overview over the components that are available in Makinom.
Since Makinom is an editor extension for Unity, this documentation assumes that you’ll know the basics of Unity, e.g. about components. If you’re looking for tutorials and learning materials on Unity, head over to their website.
Generally, you can find Makinom’s components under Makinom in the component menu.
Controls #
Control components are found in: Makinom > Controls
Collision Camera #
A simple collision camera implementation, using raycasting to detect if anything is between the camera and the player and position the camera closer to the player in that case.
The collision camera can automatically be added to the camera of the scene by using Collision Camera Settings in Base/Control > Game Controls.
Interaction Controller #
The interaction controller is used to interact with interaction machines using the Interact start type. It needs a collider (used as trigger) and a rigidbody component – either in 2D or 3D variants. Any interaction within the collider’s bounds will be available to interact.
Usually you’ll set up a prefab of the interaction controller and use it in the Interaction Settings in Base/Control > Game Controls to automatically add it to the player.
No Control #
This component can be used to prevent automatically adding control machines (set up in Base/Control > Game Controls) to the player or camera.
Object Changes #
This component is used to get changes from a game object, e.g. speed, position changes, etc.
Using these values in other parts of Makinom (e.g. via nodes) will automatically add a component in Auto mode (recording changes for Update, Late Update and Fixed Update frames) to the used game object. If you want to only use a specific update mode, add a component to the game object and select the mode you want.
In Auto mode, the component will return the changes according to the machine’s update type when used from a machine – otherwise, it’ll return the fixed update changes when used during a Fixed Update frame and the Late Update changes in all other cases. Using a specific update mode will only return the changes from that update mode, e.g. if the game object is moved via physics (Rigidbody components) it’s best to use the Fixed Update mode.
Simple Move #
This is the Default component type of the Move Component Settings (e.g. used by the Move To Interaction settings in Base/Control > Game Controls).
You can add it to game objects to change the settings they should use.
Machines #
Machine components are found in: Makinom > Machines
Machines are used to play your schematics, you can learn more about them in the machine documentation.
Scenes #
Scene components are found in: Makinom > Scenes
Camera Events #
Use a camera position (set up in Game > Camera Positions) when the player enters a collider (used as trigger) attached to the camera event’s game object.
Supports both 2D and 3D colliders.
Makinom Game Starter #
Adds and initializes Makinom, learn more in the game starter documentation.
Music Player #
Plays, fades or stops music on a music channel.
Learn more in the audio and music documentation.
Object Variables #
Adds object variables to a game object, allowing to use them via the Object variable origin in schematics and other places.
Learn more about variables in the variables documentation.
Place On Ground #
Places the game object on the ground. The ground is found via a raycast (as set up in the component) and places the game object at the hit spot.
Pool #
Adds a game object pool to the scene, pools are set up in Base/Control > Game Object Pools.
Learn more in the pooling documentation.
Radius #
Lets you define the radius of a game object – the radius can be used by distance checks to meassure distance between the edge/border of something instead of their position.
Scene Changer #
Scene changers are used to load a new level/scene, optionally including a screen fade for the transition. The default screen fade is set up in Game > Game Settings, each scene changer can optionally overrule it with custom fades.
The new scene is loaded when the player enters a collider (used as trigger) attached to the scene changer, supports both 2D and 3D colliders. If you want to use scene changers as interactions, set up an interaction machine, either using a Load Scene node or a Use Scene Changer node to use a scene changer set up on a game object.
Scene Object #
Adds scene object content information to a game object. You can add custom text codes and use conditions to determine if the scene object information is available.
Learn more in the scene object documentation.
Sound Assignment #
Adds a sound assignment to a game object. You can add custom audio assignments (sound type to audio clip) to the component.
Learn more in the audio and music documentation.
Sound Channels #
Links an Audio Source component to a Makinom sound channel.
Learn more in the audio and music documentation.
Spawn Point #
Defines a position for spawning the player (e.g. after loading a scene via a Scene Changer).
They can also be used to spawn prefabs via schematics.
Store Terrain Changes #
If you want to remember (and optionally save) terrain changes made using terrain nodes in schematics, add a Store Terrain Changes component to your terrain game object.
The Object ID you define (a random ID is generated when adding the component) is used to identify the data, i.e. if terrains use the same ID, they’ll share their terrain changes.
Waypoint Path #
Adds a path to a game object. Waypoint paths can be used to move game objects along a path via the waypoint path nodes in schematics.
You can define path points and the curve/path between them.
UI #
UI components are found in: Makinom > UI
Most of the UI components are related to the Unity UI module, check out the Unity UI documentation for details. I’ll only list non-Unity UI and only some special Unity UI components.
Add HUD (to Game Object) #
Adds a HUD to the game object, using the game object as a user for the HUD.
No Flash #
Prevents color flashes on UI components.
Unity UI Components #
Some of the most used Unity UI module components, usually you’ll create your UI via the context menu in the scene hierarchy.
These components are only available when using the Unity UI module.
Used to set up HUD game objects (for prefabs) that are used by HUDs (UI > HUDs).
HUD Click #
Adds a click action to part of a HUD.
HUD Condition #
Adds a condition to part of a HUD, the game object (and child objects) will only be visible if the condition is valid.
UI Background #
Used to set up background game objects (for prefabs) that are used by save game menus (UI > Save Game Settings).
UI Box #
Used to set up UI box game objects (for prefabs) that are used by UI boxes (UI > UI Boxes).
UI Receive Cursor Events #
Lets a UI box receive click focus and cursor over input events.
UI Flying Text #
Used to set up flying text game objects (for prefabs) that are used by flying texts (e.g. in schematics).