
Makinom 2.15.4 is here with new tooltip features!

This update small update adds custom tooltips and a few other changes and fixes.

Download the latest version of Makinom here.

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  • HUDs: Tooltip: Tooltip Checks: Custom: ‘Custom’ tooltip type check available. Checks if a tooltip is a custom tooltip, either allowing all custom tooltips or from defined custom tooltip keys.
  • Unity UI: UI Custom Tooltip Components: ‘UI Custom Tooltip’ components available. Adds a custom tooltip to a part of your UI with a defined content (e.g. name, description and icon). Custom tooltips can use a ‘Custom Tooltip Key’ to use separate tooltip HUDs to display them.


  • Unity UI: UI Box Components: Having both ‘Horizontal Input Change’ and ‘Vertical Input Change’ set to 0 to use Unity’s direction based input selection will now force using vertical input change 1 when the UI box is disabled (e.g. when using a hidden target menu in ORK Framework 3). Directional input based on UI positions was otherwise not working correctly due to the disabled state of UI game objects.


  • UI Boxes: Typewriter: Fixed an issue where the ‘Typewriter Finished Object’ wasn’t enabled when the typewriter effect finished on it’s own.