
Support for different control styles and local multiplayer games through the new Input IDs without having to change your schematics, new editor highlighting for advanced value fields, a lot of new schematic nodes and other new features, changes and fixes.

Download the latest version of Makinom here – or get the latest version in the Unity® Asset Store.

Please note that this update removes the Movie Texture nodes from Makinom – please use the new Movie Textures Plugin if you want to use those nodes.


  • Input Keys: Input IDs
    You can now define multiple input settings per input key, which are assigned to an ‘Input ID’.
    This allows creating different control styles or local multiplayer games without having to change the input keys used in machines/schematics.
    The global input ID (0 at the start of the game) can be changed or overridden by each started machine.
  • Input Keys
    ‘Use Absolute Value’ setting available for button press recognition of ‘Acceleration’ and ‘Gyroscope’ inputs.
    Optionally uses the absolute value of the axis (i.e. -0.2 will become 0.2 for the check) when checking for button input.
    By default enabled.
  • Input Keys
    ‘Axis Factor’ setting available. The input axis value will be multiplied by this value.
    By default 1.
  • Input Keys
    ‘Limit Axis’ settings available. Optionally limit the axis value to be between 2 defined values (e.g. -1 and 1).
    By default disabled.
  • Machine Components: Machine Execution Settings
    ‘Input ID’ settings available.
    Optionally define a different input ID to be used by the machine, otherwise the global input ID will be used.
    Input keys used in the started schematic will rely on the used input ID.
  • Global Events
    ‘Input ID’ settings available.
    Optionally define a different input ID to be used by the machine, otherwise the global input ID will be used.
    Input keys used in the started schematic will rely on the used input ID.
  • HUDs: Display Conditions
    ‘Input ID’ settings available when using a toggle key.
    Optionally define a different input ID to be used by the input key, otherwise the global input ID will be used.
  • HUDs: Control
    ‘Input ID’ settings available in ‘Control’ HUD elements.
    Optionally define a different input ID to be used by the input key, otherwise the global input ID will be used.
  • Save Game Menu: Save Settings
    ‘Input ID’ setting available.
    Optionally saves the global input ID – the globa input ID can be changed in-game to create different control styles.
    By default enabled.
  • Editor Settings
    ‘Highlight Value Fields’ setting available.
    Optionally highlights advanced value fields consisting of multiple fields/selections to mark which fields belong together.
    This is used by string, bool, float and Vector3 value fields that allow using different value origins (e.g. variables).
    By default enabled.
  • String Fields: String Types
    ‘Game Object Name’ and ‘Game Object Tag’ selections available in all string field type selections.
    Uses the name or tag of a defined game object as string value.
  • Float Fields
    ‘Global Input ID’ and ‘Local Input ID’ selections available in all float field type selections.
    Uses the global input ID or locally used input ID (e.g. in a schematic or a formula called by a schematic) as value.
  • Float Fields: Math Functions
    ‘Direction 360’, ‘Direction 4’ and ‘Direction 8’ selection available in all float field math function selections.
    Translates the value into a direction angle (0-360), a 4-directional value (0-3, int) or an 8-directional value (0-7, int).
  • Vector3 Fields
    ‘Gravity 3D’ and ‘Gravity 2D’ selections in all Vector3 field type selections.
    Uses the 3D physics or 2D physics gravity as value.
  • Vector3 Fields
    ‘Vector3 Variable’ type now supports advanced string fields for variable key definition.
  • Schematics: Actors
    ‘Filter’ search type selection available for ‘Game Object’ actor types using ‘Find Object’.
    Optionally search for objects using advanced filter options.
  • Schematic Nodes: Change Input ID
    ‘Change Input ID’ node available in ‘Input’ nodes. Changes the global input ID or the schematic’s input ID.
  • Schematic Nodes: Check Input ID
    ‘Check Input ID’ node available in ‘Input’ nodes.
    Checks the global input ID or the schematic’s input ID.
  • Schematic Nodes: Start Machine
    ‘Input ID’ settings available in ‘Start Machine’ nodes.
    Optionally define a different input ID to be used by the machine, otherwise the schematic’s input ID will be used.
    Input keys used in the started schematic will rely on the used input ID.
  • Schematic Nodes: Start Global Machine
    ‘Input ID’ settings available in ‘Start Global Machine’ nodes.
    Optionally override the input ID of the called global machine.
  • Schematic Nodes: Add Machine To Stack
    ‘Input ID’ settings available in ‘Add Machine To Stack’ nodes.
    Optionally define a different input ID to be used by the machine, otherwise the schematic’s input ID will be used.
    Input keys used in the started schematic will rely on the used input ID.
  • Schematic Nodes: Input Key
    ‘Input ID’ settings available in ‘Input Key’ nodes.
    Optionally define a different input ID to check the input key, otherwise the schematic’s input ID will be used.
  • Schematic Nodes: Search Objects
    ‘Filter’ search type selection available in ‘Search Object’ nodes.
    Optionally search for objects using advanced filter options.
  • Schematic Nodes: Change Found Objects
    ‘Change Found Objects’ node available in ‘Game Object > Game Object’ nodes.
    Adds or removes a game object to/from a ‘Found Objects’ or ‘Global Objects’ list.
  • Schematic Nodes: Sort Variable List
    ‘Random’ sort type selection available.
    Randomly sorts a variable lists.
  • Schematic Nodes: Variable List Contains
    ‘Variable List Contains’ node available in ‘Value > Variable’ nodes.
    Checks if variable lists contain defined values.
    Float, Vector3 and axis Vector3 checks for approximate values (i.e. being very close to the defined value).
  • Schematic Nodes: Unload Scene
    ‘Unload Scene’ node available in ‘Game > Scene’ nodes.
    Unloads all game objects associated with a defined scene name.
  • Schematic Nodes: Unload Unused Assets
    ‘Unload Unused Assets’ node available in ‘Game > Game’ nodes. Unloads assets that are not used.
  • Schematic Nodes: Stop Machine Component
    ‘All’ setting available in ‘Stop Machine Component’ nodes.
    Optionally stops all available machine components in the scene.
  • Schematic Nodes: Stop Tagged Machine
    ‘Stop Tagged Machine’ node available in ‘Machine’ nodes.
    Stops tagged machine components added to a game object that are matching the defined tags.
  • Schematic Nodes: Search Tagged Machines
    ‘Search Tagged Machines’ node available in ‘Machine’ nodes.
    Searches for game objects with ‘Tagged Machine’ components (using defined tags) in the scene and adds/removes them to/from a ‘Found Objects’ or ‘Global Objects’ list.
  • Schematic Nodes: Rotation Nodes
    ‘Local Rotation’ setting available when using ‘Transform’ rotation component and ‘Set’ rotation function in various nodes in ‘Movement > Rotation’ nodes.
    Optionally sets the local rotation of the transform, this can be useful when rotating mounted game objects.


  • Find Object Settings
    The range settings for finding objects have been replaced by advanced range settings.
    You can now search for ‘In Range’ and ‘Out of Range’, and use advanced float value fields (e.g. formulas).
  • Find Object Settings
    The name/tag settings for finding objects have been replaced by advanced name settings.
    You can now check if the name/tag is equal, starts with, ends with or contains a defined string value, as well as negate that check.
  • Schematic Nodes: Movie Textures
    The ‘Movie Texture’ nodes have been moved into a separate plugin.
    This was needed due to movie textures not being supported on iOS.
    If you’re using ‘Movie Texture’ nodes in your schematics, just download the new Movie Textures Plugin and import it into your Unity project.


  • Collision Machines, Trigger Machines
    ‘Start By Other’ object checks (e.g. for a game object’s name) needing only ‘One’ condition to be valid could result in always being valid.