New settings to replace standard Unity functionality (e.g. game object instantiation), new schematic nodes and other new features, changes and fixes.
Download the latest version of Makinom here.
This version is available for both Unity 5.6 and Unity 2017.1 – downloading with your Unity version in the Asset Store should get you the correct version.
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Please note that the ORK-Makinom Connection plugin has also been updated.
- Game Settings: Unity Wrapper
‘Unity Wrapper’ settings available. Optionally replace standard Unity functionality with custom function calls. Currently supports instantiating game objects, destroying game objects and loading scenes. - Scripting
Extend Unity wrapper selections with custom classes. Descend your class from the ‘BaseInstantiateSetting’ class for game object instantiation, the ‘BaseDestroySetting’ class for game object destruction and the ‘BaseLoadSceneSetting’ class for scene loading (namespace ‘Makinom.Wrapper’). - String Fields
‘Data Path’ and ‘Persistent Data Path’ selections available in all string field type selections. Uses a defined path based on Application.dataPath (game folder) or Application.persistentDataPath (persistent data folder). - Global Volume
The global volume is used to scale both the music and sound volumes. - Game Settings
‘Global Volume’ start volume setting available. Defines the global volume when initializing Makinom. - Save Game Menu
‘Global Volume’ store game option setting available. Optionally stores the global volume outside of save games in the PlayerPrefs. - HUDs: Value Bars
‘Images Per Icon’ setting available when displaying a value bar as icons. Optionally use the defined images per icon, i.e. the ‘Percent’ setting is used based on the icon value of each individual icon. - HUDs: Control
‘Show From Input’ setting available in ‘Control’ HUD elements. Optionally show the pressed button state and axis/joystick positions from the used input keys when not getting any click/touch input on the virtual control. Can be used to highlight input coming from other sources. - Schematics: Read Text File
‘Read Text File’ node available in ‘Value > Text File’ nodes. Reads the text from a text asset and stores it into a string variable. - Schematics: Read Text File Lines
‘Read Text File Lines’ node available in ‘Value > Text File’ nodes. Reads the text from a text asset line by line and adds each line to a string variable list. - Schematics: Write Text File
‘Write Text File’ node available in ‘Value > Text File’ nodes. Writes into a text file. - Schematics: Write Text File Lines
‘Write Text File Lines’ node available in ‘Value > Text File’ nodes. Writes a string variable list’s values into a text file (each value being a line). - Schematics: Game Option Dialogue
‘Global Volume’ game option type available. Changes the global volume. - Schematics: Game Option Dialogue
‘Mute Global Volume’, ‘Mute Music Volume’ and ‘Mute Sound Volume’ game option types available. Mutes/unmutes the global, music and sound volume. - Schematics: Change Global Volume
‘Change Global Volume’ node available in ‘Audio + Animation > Audio’ nodes. Sets, fades, mutes or unmutes the global volume. - Schematics: Change Music Volume, Change Sound Volume
‘Mute’ and ‘Unmute’ changes available. Optionally mute or unmute the music or sound volume. Muting a volume will not change the actual volume, but still result in 0 volume.
- Schematics: Show Flying Text
You can now define multiple positions (with random offsets) to use randomly or iterate through. - Scripting
The ‘MusicHandler’ class has been replaced by the ‘AudioHandler’ class. The audio handler is responsible for volumes, the main audio source and music channels. - New UI: Buttons
Accepting/canceling a choice or dialogue will now fire the ‘OnClick’ event of the used prefab’s ‘Button’ component on the selected choice or the ok/cancel buttons. This only happens when accepting/canceling via input keys, not via click/touch (as that already fires ‘OnClick’).
- GUI Boxes: Ok/Cancel Buttons
Fixed an issue where using a custom skin for the ok/cancel buttons wasn’t used when using the legacy GUI. - GUI Boxes
Fixed an issue that could lead to the name box having the wrong size when using the new UI and the same prefab for content box and name box. - Collision Camera
Fixed an issue where the collision camera resets to a wrong position after a camera change.