Add support for Poly|Nav 2D in move component selections (e.g. Move To Interaction settings).
Add support for Poly|Nav 2D in move component selections (e.g. Move To Interaction settings).
This plugin adds Poly|Nav 2D as an available movement component selection.
The plugin is available for free, the latest version is 1.0.1.
Before importing the plugin into your Unity® project, make sure you’ve got Makinom and Poly|Nav 2D imported in it. You’ll need at least Makinom 1.10.2 and Poly|Nav 2D 1.6.5 to support the plugin.
The plugin will be imported into Assets/Makinom/Plugins/Scripts/, but you can move it to a different location if you want.
This plugin adds new popup selections to the Component Type selection in the Move To Interaction settings found in Base/Control > Game Controls in the Makinom editor.