
New combined axis toggles and other new features, changes and fixes.

Download the latest version of Makinom here – or get the latest version in the Unity® Asset Store.

Please note that the editor hotkey changed from O to M (i.e. Windows: CTRL+ALT+M, Mac OSX: CMD+ALT+M).


  • Editor: Axis Toggles
    All toggles managing Vector axes (e.g. ‘Ignore Y Distance’ for distance checks) have been replaced by a new combined axis toggle setting.
    Settings that previously only had 1 axis now allow setting all 3 axes, e.g. you can now ignore the distance on all axes instead of only the Y-axis.
  • Game Settings
    ‘Start Volume Settings’ available in the game settings.
    Define the music volume and sound volume that will be used when Makinom is initialized.
  • Interaction Machines: Key Press
    ‘Start By Root’ setting available for the ‘Key Press’ start type.
    When using ‘In Trigger’ or ‘While Colliding’, the trigger/collision check can be limited to only use the root object.
  • Schematic Nodes: Rigidbody Constraints
    ‘Rigidbody Constraints’ node available in ‘Game Object > Rigidbody’ nodes.
    Changes the constraints of a ‘Rigidbody’ or ‘Rigidbody2D’ component.


  • Editor: Hotkey
    The hotkey command to open the Makinom editor now uses the ‘M’ key instead of the ‘O’ key.
    On Windows you can now use CTRL+ALT+M, on Mac OSX you can now use CMD+ALT+M to open the editor.


  • Schematic Nodes: Change Position
    Fixed an issue when using ‘Move’ to change a position over time.
  • New UI
    Fixed an issue where mixing portrait with not-portrait choices could result in images being removed in different GUI boxes afterwards.
  • New UI
    Fixed an issue where GUI boxes could be displayed with wrong bounds for a frame when opened.
  • Game Object Checks
    Fixed an issue where checking for a component didn’t work correctly (e.g. used by ‘Trigger Machine’ start by others checks).